American Education Week

Together for Safe, Just & Equitable Schools. #aew2022

What is American Education Week?
During American Education Week, November 14—28, 2022, Americans nationwide will join the National Education Association (NEA) in raising awareness about the need to provide every child with a quality public education. The celebration highlights the importance of bringing together educators, parents, students, and communities in a unified effort to build great public schools. It also reflects NEA's vision of calling upon America to provide public school students with quality schools so that they can grow and achieve in the 21st century.

Invitation to Visit Your Child's Class on November 14
As part of the celebration, we provide parents and guardians the opportunity to visit their child’s classroom. Monday, November 14 is designated as the visitation day. If you cannot make it to visit on Monday, November 14, you are welcome to visit your child's classroom any day during the week, but please contact the teacher ahead of time. Please refer to the CCES Master Schedule below to help you guide your visitation.

What to Expect When You Arrive
When you visit, please be prepared to sign in through the Lobby Guard kiosk in the office. You will need your driver's license to sign in with Lobby Guard. You'll also need to complete the volunteer and visitation training and show the certificate when you arrive. We do not allow younger children in the classrooms when parents visit.  Also, we ask visitors not to use their phones in the classroom. Please put your phone on silence or vibrate. If you need to use your phone or device, please go to the front lobby or outside the building.

We look forward to our continued partnership in your child's education, and we are excited to see you in school during American Education Week.
