Art News and Updates

Art News
I've been getting lots of questions from students as to what to do over the next few weeks.  I'm not sending any art supplies or artwork home for students to work on over this time off.  I will be disinfecting many things in the Art room, including tools, supplies, and student work. 
Over the break, students can stay sharp with a variety of activities.  However, nothing is mandatory.  There are activities already written in what HCPSS has shared with community members.  In addition, sketching, drawing, coloring, painting, and building of any kind is always helpful in maintaining skills and progress.  Reading about artists is another great way to learn.  And, students can access many art museum websites over the internet, starting with artists or processes we learned about in class. 
Lastly, I wanted to share some not so great news.  The 48th Annual Art Exhibition at the Mall in Columbia has been cancelled.  It was a decision reached between the school system and the operators of the mall.  Many students were looking forward to hearing if their work was chosen, and as an art teacher this wasn't easy for me to accept either.  The mall show is one of many exhibits art teachers are responsible for each year, and it's always a huge event that is wonderful to experience.  I'm so sorry that it won't happen this year, as it is the first year it has ever been cancelled. 
Mr. Schmitt