DreamBox Learning and Lexia Core5 Access Through the Summer

Elementary students will have access to DreamBox Learning and Lexia Core5 throughout the summer. Students are not required to work with either learning platform, and their progress will not be monitored by teachers. Parent portals for both tools will continue to be available to review student progress. If you choose to have your child work with these tools over the summer, we encourage you to limit use to the recommended amount of 15-20 minutes per day.

For technical support during the summer, please use the following contact information:
DreamBox Technical Support Contact Information
Email: support@dreambox.com
Customer service: 1 (877) 451-7845

Lexia Core5 Technical Support Contact Information
Website: https://www.lexialearning.com/support
Email: support@lexialearning.com
Customer service: 1 800-435-3942

The following links provide additional mathematics and language arts resources for students: