
The best thing about summer is having plenty of time to read…. This year we are encouraging summer reading by inviting CCES students and families to take photos of themselves reading with our Clemens Crossing Cougar. Download and print out the cougar of your choice, then read with it and take a photo from interesting places.  Photos can be emailed to Mrs. Marshall at christy_marshall@hcpss.org, so we can share them in the fall. All are welcome to participate, including fifth graders and students heading to other schools.  You can also Tweet your summer reading Cougar and include our CCES Twitter handle @hcpss_cces and the hashtag, #SummerReadingCougars.  We will retweet summer reading Tweets from all over!

 So download below, print a cougar, grab a book, and enjoy your summer reading. Read at the pool! On vacation! In your kitchen! We can’t wait to see your photos.

 Download Cougar Image

PDF icon summer cougar reading 18 color.pdf

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